I know that God really does have a plan and that he will provide. Home will come soon.
20 September, 2011
Tolerate the uncertainty
Okay, so I was being a little dramatic yesterday. It happens to the best of us, right?
19 September, 2011
Homesick for a place that doesn't exist
For those of you who have grown up and moved out of your parents house, you will know the feeling I'm speaking of. Visiting Mom and Dad's on the weekends feels a little like visiting your middle school when you're in high school. The walls seem very familiar, but then an empty feeling strikes you in the stomach. Of course Mom and Dad's is never as foreign as that school feels, but you get the idea.
Coming back to USA feels like I just walked back into Portsmouth Middle School. The streets are so familiar. The People have the same faces, smiling the same way. The rooms look the same, but everything is different. Them and me. A year has passed.
I just want to go home. Where is home though?
29 August, 2011
See you later... never goodbye.
Oh Brno, how you've stolen my heart.
I leave for Praha in three and half hours and leave from the Czech Republic in ten and a half hours. Boo! I miss it already. The last week went by incredible slow and fast at the same time. Too many emotions or worse, at times the lack there of.
I could type a hefty list about the things that I will miss, but I will only name one and that is the relationships that I have created with the people here.
I'm not sure if I am looking forward to being home as much as I thought I would. I am happy to see my family and friends, but I know that Brno will be jerking my emotions.
Miluju tě, Brno.
20 June, 2011
I've missed a few entries, I know.
It's been a busy past few weeks. Spain, work for a few days, then Italy and back to Brno with the accompaniment of Grandma Sandy (Kelsey's grandmother). She farewelled on Saturday after being with us for 18 days. I had gotten so used to her being around, I feel like a piece of home was taken away from me. While I will miss her presence, I think the lack will be beneficial to my focus these next few weeks.
It's been a busy past few weeks. Spain, work for a few days, then Italy and back to Brno with the accompaniment of Grandma Sandy (Kelsey's grandmother). She farewelled on Saturday after being with us for 18 days. I had gotten so used to her being around, I feel like a piece of home was taken away from me. While I will miss her presence, I think the lack will be beneficial to my focus these next few weeks.
21 May, 2011
Word of the Day
Skoro pronounced like score-oh (make sure you roll that R) means almost or close. I like this word and use it a lot because the kids, they try so hard at basketball or table football (Foosball) or anything and often times they don't make it.
20 May, 2011
Saint Nicholas Day (Mikuláš)
The charming tradition of St. Nicholas falls on the eve of St. Nicholas Day, December 5th. If you find yourself walking the streets that evening, you may run into a group of strange characters: St. Nicholas-Mikuláš (not as commonly seen as the other two characters, the Angel-anděl who represents the Good and the Devil (čert) (the Czech people would say devil, but it's more like a demon- they feel that the word demon is too scary for children and I think to myself like a man dressed up as a demon that's called a devil isn't scary...) representing the Evil. All three will be wearing costumes.
All three characters walk the streets, stopping children and asking them if they were good in the past year. Most kids say yes and sing a song or recite a short poem. They are then rewarded with sweets, candy or other treats, which are handed out by the Angel. Bad kids would be put in the Devil's sack and taken to hell, or would only get a sack of potatoes or coal instead of candy - of course it does not really happen! The Devil will often carry a chain and scare or persuade the children to be good for the next children. Then the Devil, Angel and St. Nicholas get rewarded with a shot of alcohol.
The charming tradition of St. Nicholas falls on the eve of St. Nicholas Day, December 5th. If you find yourself walking the streets that evening, you may run into a group of strange characters: St. Nicholas-Mikuláš (not as commonly seen as the other two characters, the Angel-anděl who represents the Good and the Devil (čert) (the Czech people would say devil, but it's more like a demon- they feel that the word demon is too scary for children and I think to myself like a man dressed up as a demon that's called a devil isn't scary...) representing the Evil. All three will be wearing costumes.
All three characters walk the streets, stopping children and asking them if they were good in the past year. Most kids say yes and sing a song or recite a short poem. They are then rewarded with sweets, candy or other treats, which are handed out by the Angel. Bad kids would be put in the Devil's sack and taken to hell, or would only get a sack of potatoes or coal instead of candy - of course it does not really happen! The Devil will often carry a chain and scare or persuade the children to be good for the next children. Then the Devil, Angel and St. Nicholas get rewarded with a shot of alcohol.

17 May, 2011
Confessions with Jessie
Every Tuesday, I facilitate a mother and toddler club. There is a large wooden train set, where you can build the tracks, I think I enjoy this more than the children. I often find myself building them even after the tots run away for other toys.
I am very nervous to speak Czech in front of adults, really any adult, other than in stores, shops or restaurants. I sound like someone speaking under water.
I am very nervous to speak Czech in front of adults, really any adult, other than in stores, shops or restaurants. I sound like someone speaking under water.
16 May, 2011
Děkuju za.../Prosím za...
I am thankful for holidays (or vacation for those Staters) and for how work allows for you to both have and appreciate time away. Kelsey and I are going to Barcelona, Spain (thank you tax return) and we are very excited! Please pray for us while we are gone that the centers and clubs will run smoothly and that we will arrive, stay and come home safely.
15 May, 2011
Word of the Week
Nefunguje-pronounced: nay-foon-goo-yay. Meaning: it/he/she doesn't work/function. Sounds good, works in every situation and always makes people laugh! The most common way I use it (improperly or course) is by pointing at some one's head (mine included) and saying nefunguje implying the brain doesn't work.
13 May, 2011
Name Day
In the Czech Republic, each day of the year corresponds to a personal name (or several names). People celebrate their name day (svátek or more formally jmeniny) on the date corresponding to their own given name.
Name days are commonly of less importance than birthdays to Czech people. However, name day celebrations can be, and often are, held together with friends or co-workers of the same name and in this way it can grow in size and importance.
In the past, by law, parents were not allowed to choose just any name for a child. This has changed, although it is still common to choose the name from the name day "calendar" and any highly unusual name has to be approved by a special office. The original list was the Roman Catholic calendar of saints, but changes have been made to reflect the present-day usage of names.
Check to see if you have a Czech name equivalent here: http://www.namedaycalendar.com/czech
In the Czech Republic, each day of the year corresponds to a personal name (or several names). People celebrate their name day (svátek or more formally jmeniny) on the date corresponding to their own given name.
Name days are commonly of less importance than birthdays to Czech people. However, name day celebrations can be, and often are, held together with friends or co-workers of the same name and in this way it can grow in size and importance.
In the past, by law, parents were not allowed to choose just any name for a child. This has changed, although it is still common to choose the name from the name day "calendar" and any highly unusual name has to be approved by a special office. The original list was the Roman Catholic calendar of saints, but changes have been made to reflect the present-day usage of names.
Check to see if you have a Czech name equivalent here: http://www.namedaycalendar.com/czech
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