We arrived at THQ Friday, July 9 at 9:15 am. With time to kill, my husband and I waited anxiously in the waiting room, while we joked with those who walked by. My armpits were growing more and more warm as the time passed. Col. Hudson showed up and heckled Major Judy, "Don't keep these two waiting!" Major Judy called us in; we will FINALLY find out where we are going!
We were informed that we will be working with the corps in Brno, Czech Republic. A job description has yet to be drawn up, but we will most likely be working with youth and social services. Pending our visas, we will be leaving the first week of September.
Česky Sen translates to Czech dream, which is what this is for me. I thank God that I have been given this opportunity and I pray that I can do what He wants me to.
mír (peace).