13 October, 2010

Chete Mluvit Česky?

I am happy to report that I feel more encouraged about Czech than I have since before I left the States. This language is possibly the hardest thing I have committed to ever.

Let me explain to you a little about the language (or at least how I understand it):

I touched a bit on it already, seven cases for proper names, or seven endings for nouns; all for different contexts.


1. kdo/co? (who/what?) nominative

2. bez koho/čeho? (without whom/what?) genitive

3. ke komu/čemu? (to whom/what?) dative

4. vidíme koho/co? (We see whom/what?) accusative

5. oslovujeme/voláme (I address/call) vocative

6. o kom/čem? (about whom/what?) locative

7. s kým/čím? (with whom/what?) instrumental

Then there are the genders of nouns; male, female and neutral. And non-living or inanimate items have genders as well, which dictates the endings of verbs and adjectives.

Confusing, right?

My brain is capable of handling most things; understanding ideas and grasping concepts, but for some reason, when it sees a big picture, that is really big. It shuts down. I go into the why-try-when-I-know-I-am-going-to-fail mode so instead of putting in effort, I get stubborn and don't do it. I'm ashamed to say that I've hidden behind the people I've met who speak English and Czech and have them translate things for me, instead of just trying, learning, sounding silly and correcting my mistakes as I go.

Something happened last night though; something clicked. While I still don't know very much Czech, I feel like I am understanding the concept of Czech and more importantly I know that I need to be careful about checking out and giving up.

06 October, 2010


By far my favorite part about being here is the children. I absolutely love playing games and hanging out with the kids! There is a boy named Honza or John in English, he is six years old and doesn't talk very much, but he is one of the most joyful people I've ever met. When he laughs, he laughs with his whole soul and it's beautiful.

He was very shy the first time we met, he would hide behind his sister or pretend that he's not listening when I would call him, even though he was siting right next to me. But then I taught him a hand-shake; slap hands, pound fists and then snap. And he began to open up. He would "tag" me when I wasn't looking, expecting me to ran after him and laugh, oh he would laugh so hard.

When we play board games (Connect Four, Frustration-something like Sorry, or others) he has the keen ability of winning. He doesn't always know when he wins, but when he finds out, you can see the joy in his eyes spread through his body. And he is genuinely happy and it makes me happy.

Yesterday, we were with the kids and we began playing a board game that has tokens. Kelsey started stealing his tokens. Honza thought this was hilarious. He started stealing Kelsey's tokens back(there went our game) and laughing so hard he could barely breathe. Kelsey says to him, "kolik?" (How many?) and he opens his hands and shows him and Kelsey stole all his tokens. Honza was already laughing, but this topped it off, he was laughing so hard, with his whole body, his whole soul. It was great. This boy brings joy to my life.

I may not speak his language or get to lead him to Jesus, but I know that I can show him the love of Jesus by making him laugh and holding his hand when we walk to the park and by being his friend.

02 October, 2010

Oink, Oink...I love pig!

Jesiko here. As always. Just a writing on my blog...ain't no thang. PS Blog, Do you feel left out? Like we don't encounter often enough? Well, here we are. An unlikely crossing of paths, so what should we speak about? It's been so long. What's funny is- it's like, I don't know what to say to you. And then once I get going, it's like we've never skipped a beat. I really do appreciate the fact that you, um, you've accepted the responsibility of information conduit, without you, I'd either have a higher phone bill or less sores on my finger tips. Anyways, as much as I enjoy your company, I came here to talk to my friends and family. So just know that you're doing a fine job.



Lesson one: In the Czech language nouns, proper nouns, can have seven endings. I'm not exactly sure what they are yet, or in what contexts to use them, but my first formal private Czech lesson begins next week. Let's hope I know more then! :)


Kelsey and I have been vegetarian for quite sometime, but before we left for the CR we decided it would be better to start eating meat because we didn't want to offend anyone who cooked for us and we weren't sure, or more so I wasn't sure if I could make sure we got all the necessary nutrients. So we're eating meat.

The CR is apart of the European Union so this means their quality of meat is held to a much higher standard. No genetically modified foods allowed (including seeds as opposed to Corn and Soy in the States) and the meat, when you see it in the store looks so much more healthier. But this is beside the point. The point I'm trying to get at is that I'm enjoying eating meat.

Growing up I wasn't a huge fan of pig by any means, however, after partaking in meal after meal of pork and ham on most pizzas and bacon for breakfast sandwiches, I must say I might be pig's biggest fan! Yum-my.