For some reason, when I was a kid, I was infatuated with tradition. Not old tradition, but traditions that I would make up. From about nine years old, everything I did during the holidays has been repeated. I've made the same things, worn the appropriate attire, read the same books, watched the same movies and so forth. Can I just point out that growing up is not all it's cracked up to be? Growing up means different traditions, splitting holidays between families maybe not even being able to be there. Not being able to fulfill my duty to making cheese cake every fourth Thursday of November.
I thought being away for Thanksgiving wouldn't be so bad, but waking up this morning proved to be different. I heard Kelsey say something about wanting to watch football with his Grandpa Bob. I pictured them sitting on the couch talking about the season, how terrible the Cowboys are doing and I wanted to be there too. I wanted a hug and a kiss on the cheek from Grandpa Bob. And then I wanted to be home. To see my mom and dad. To hug and kiss them. Don't get me wrong, I love being here and I'm pretty excited about my first Thanksgiving (with no help from mom). The ECF (English Christian Fellowship-a group of international students) are coming over to celebrate with us. Everyone will bring pictures of their families and we will get to brag and tell stories about them and most importantly we will get to pray for them, for you. Bitter-sweet has never been such a perfect word.
Last night as Kelsey and I were lying in bed, I asked him, "Do you think that anyone will invite us over for Christmas?" He said yes. I hope he's right. If there's anything I've learned about myself is that being alone, is never a good thing. Which of course got me thinking about all the people I am grateful to have in my life. I have a lot. More than deserved. But my God is so great and merciful and loving.
I am thankful for (in no particular order)...
>My family, both sides: Crowell and Pearce
>My friends, especially Becca and Maryellen
>My husband
>The ability to read
>The robot dance
>Kelsey's jokes
>Hector and Major Eloisa
>Soft blankets
>Mint flavored things
>The ability to Pretend and use my imagination
>Forts and camp outs
The list could go on forever, possibly too long already. What are you thankful for?
Jess, we missed you both this Thanksgiving (actually since you have been gone) I am glad you had a good Thanksgiving with your new ECF friends, and Great memories of you and your mom cooking dinner for everyone.